Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Losing my keys

so recently i have lost the f6 key on my keyboard and i know that they can be put back on but it broke. ive been trying to find a new one does anyone know where i can buy keys or my apple keyboard?


  1. apple lol. they might charge you $20 at an apple store

  2. @ Nick you drop your wireless keyboard that weighs less than a pound onto a concrete floor lol

  3. Well if its not in warranty, the only solution is to buy a new one.

  4. I have to agree with everyone above, if you can't find one on ebay (full keyboard) or if you don't have a warranty, then you are going to have to buy a new board. I lost my right arrow key on my laptop and didn't figure out I can eventually wiggle the sucker back in until I lost it.
    Which, yup.. pretty much sucks since I play PC games on my laptop.
    I hope you find a replacement.

  5. lol, im very anal about my key board if nothing else on my PC

  6. anal about your keyboard? Ok... My suggestio is to buy a new one or steal one from someone you dont like

  7. @ laughing Vault it looks so weird not having that key tho

  8. I can't remember the last time I have used the F6 key lol

    although if you really need that F6 key, you will probably just have to buy another from Apple

  9. i lack a real "B" button on my computer, i have to stick my finger into the socket to get it to type D:

  10. Damn, F6 key, haha, probably on eBay actually! Good luck finding it :) take care!

  11. Wow that's rough, try searching online.

  12. lol, don't know how you did that, but yeah, try what the other commenters said and go ebay...

  13. That sucks dude. I love my F6, especially on this damn laptop and mucking around with the touch pad. Instead press that F6 in the browser and it takes you straight to the address bar and highlights the whole url.
    Get into the habbit of using it guys, except for you S.G, poor guy. Will be following for updates.
    I would say buying a new board will probably be inevitable :(

  14. I'm sure a friend will be happy to give you one. You don't even have to ask.

  15. i'm holding your F6 key hostage
    one million dolla' to get it back!

  16. f6 is definitely useful when playing starcraft 2...

  17. All you need is F1 and F5 buddy

  18. Hah... I guess you should buy another one.

  19. Might need to just buy a new one, I'm not sure.

  20. Hm I don't have a mac, but the keys on a mac look like they're kind of non-replacable... Maybe if you visit an iStore?

  21. You can get really cheap ones, but they'll probably just break again.
    I have a gaming keyboard and its never broken :)
    Great post, followed!

  22. this is why i dont want apple :) logitech ftw!

  23. I've lost my question makr button... In order to get a new button, I'd have buy a new keyboard, which is like £70. T_T

  24. make one!! and in another color so it stand out!

  25. Keyboards arent too expensive these days. Mihgt be easier to just get a new one.

  26. i don't think you can buy new keys, think you got to buy a new keyboard
